A computer generated view of the northern part of the site overlooking Robina Central Parklands (currently under construction). The terraces are constructed on top of a suspended concrete slab beneath which is the public car parking for the adjacent
 Recently completed stage 1 townhouses with C-Bus Stadium in the background. Vehicle access and parking is via laneways between buildings.
 Newly completed stage 2 townhouses photographed off the scaffolding of stage 3
 Three completed 6m wide units showing how variety in setback, height, colour and materials gives individuality & variety to the streetscape despite having the same floorplan and actual setback.
 The end treatment of adjoining rows of units is open and responds to solar aspect, views as well as privacy to adjoining units.
 Part of a row of Stage 1 homes nearing completion. Note the tree planters which permit deep planting on top of the suspended concrete site base. Note also further individuality is provided in the fence and gate treatments.
 Newly completed stage 2 units. The street design promotes a “low speed” neighbourhood environment with laneways to the rear being given over to cars
 Careful design ensures that adjacent homes adjoin in a coordinated and cohesive manner. Colours and materials from similar tonal and textural families help to aid the overall cohesiveness of the composition. This is a computer generated publicity sh
 Another computer generated publicity shot showing how some units are deliberately “paired” to provide a visui=al break from the more randomised approach seen further along the row.
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